Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bridal Shower Invitations

I can't believe that we are finally close enough to be talking about my bridal shower. Eek! A long time ago my sister and I decided the theme would be a mad hatter tea party. It goes with the over all theme of the wedding itself, it's fun, and it's cute and girly.

Also a long time ago.... I saw these packs of invitations on clearance at Michael's for only $2.99 per pack!!! Score!

My shower guest lists includes approximately 15 people, so I bought 2 packs of 12 for $6. Then I searched the net for various samples of wording and clip art. I also enslisted the help of bridesmaid Anna, since she's a total word genius, to whip up the part about wearing a hat/headband/whatever. And here is the final product (edited obviously)...

In case you can't read it, it says:
Don't be late for this very important date!
You're invited to a very merry bridal shower in honor of Samantha _______!
On October 1st she'll be our Queen of Hearts.
At two o'clock the party will start.
Be like the Mad Hatter - wear something up top
With feathers or bows or colors that pop.
Please RSVP so your presence is planned.
We hope you can join us in our Wonderland.

I love them and can't wait for my bridal shower! It's going to be SO much fun!!!

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